Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Recording Session!

Here are some photos of the first recording session with my sound and music team!

Josh Lawson playing the musical saw, which will be the Alien's voice in the film.

Hollie Bennet, my sound designer, setting up before the next take.

Josh again, and Ian Arnold, my composer.

Me with Aaron Kuhn, who wrote the cowboy's song for the opening of the film,
and is recording additional guitar for the score.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Josh Lawso the sawist to contact http://www.MusicalSawFestival.org for an invite to play at NYC Musical Saw Festival. Thank you!
    If you don't know of the NYC Musical Saw Festival, 'Time' magazine reported on it http://youtu.be/eON-p4afeTkF
